
Thursday, February 19, 2004

The Car 

Opps. I guess that car was just someone who couldn't be bothered to dig it out of the snow bank. It looks like the police came around and ran the licence plate. When they found it wasn't reported stolen they put a parking ticket on it.

OK. This person needs to:
- think of the parking ticket as an invoice from the police for their trouble
- dig out their car
- find a better place to park
- be told that cars that are not run frequently exhibit excessive engine wear because they don't stay lubricated
- sell their car since they don't seem to need to use it

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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Social Responsibility 

Days pass. Each day we should try to make out community a little better, a little safer.

I've reported my second stolen car in last 4 months. OK maybe this one wasn't stolen but it's been parked in the same spot for around two weeks, since the last big snow storm. There was no noticible damage other than a rear tail light. The last one I reported I could see in the Hydro corridor out my back window. I knew it was stolen immediatly because the ignition lock had been pulled out of the steering column.

Maybe I'm sensitive to this because my Vovageur and Neon have both been stolen. They were recovered. Usually, it "joy riders" looking for a way to get from A to B. They steal it, drive to near where they are going, dump it then walk the rest of the way. We bought steering locks similar to "The Club". They do act as deterence but are a nuisance to use. Our new Windstar has a computer programmed key. This prevents them from starting the car by just breaking the ignition.

I mentioned this to my daughter and that the thieves think of it as "cheap" transportation. She said, "Wouldn't it be cheaper to just take the bus?" Oh so right, considering the risk of getting caught and the social cost; towing cost, police time and insurance claims.

So now I'm sort of looking for perons(s) that park in unusual spots and leave the vehicle suspiciously, maybe without keys in hand or a screwdriver instead.

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