Saturday, July 15, 2006
The Arrival
I awoke with a start
I knew where I was
And where I had been
But those were not words
That would disappear.
It said,
“You’ve arrived.”
How could the journey
Be finished?
Mine was one without
For if my search was over
Maybe life was also over.
Yet the thread of the past
Seemed thicker
Like rope
That holds
That binds
That ties.
The voice told me
Not to cut the rope
But the next journey
Would be lighter
With more laughter.
And as I loosened my grip
It did seem lighter
The strain in my back
I could hear new music
Beckon me.
Lyrical music
Filling my ears
My head
My body.
My hands stopped trembling
New paths opened up
New daylight shone
Yes, I had arrived.
My walk down the road further
Wanted that
Best destination
For new life
And new love
Of rebirth.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Nanotechnology Safety
A Google seacrch of "Nanotech fibres" and "nanotech cosmetics" yields many articles that explain and question product safety.
These products are much smaller than human cells. One thing I didn't realise was that all the nanofibres wear off the fabric after 30-50 washes. So what happens to this nano-powder?